Workshop on
Natural Environments Tasks and Intelligence

Perceptual and motor systems must reflect the natural tasks the organism performs as well as the properties of the natural environments in which the organism performs those tasks. Thus, the aim of this workshop is to stimulate research in "natural systems analysis," which consists of several interrelated components: (i) measurement and analysis of natural scene statistics, (ii) analysis of the computational requirements of natural tasks, (iii) rigorous experimental study of neural and behavioral performance in natural tasks.

Dates: March 28-30, 2008.

Location: Sarah M. and Charles E. Seay Building, 108 East Dean Keeton, University of Texas at Austin

Organizers: Bill Geisler, Mary Hayhoe, and Dana Ballard

Recent News

There will be a special issue in the journal Visual Neuroscience devoted to the central theme of the workshop (deadline June 30, 2008).

All relevant submissions are welcome, independent of participation in the workshop.